
Wednesday 27 February 2013

Chylsea - The Tamaki Way

No violence, abuse or racism.

Using abusive laungage towards others can hurt there feelings and culture.
Racism is hurtful towards others, and there familys. It dosen't matter what you look like, everyone is special in there own way. Some are good at sports, others are good at chess. It dosn't matter who you are.

Violence doesn't solve anything, it just puts yourself in danger and getting into trouble.
People think that fighting does the job but real it just makes everything worse.

At Tamaki College violence, abuse and racism is not the way to deal with issues.
This rule affects me because u don't like put downs.

It is important to follow the Tamaki Way
No violence, abuse or racism.
No sexual harassment
No prohibited items
Respect other people’s property
Attend classes on time
Bring all books and equipment needed for classes
Wear the school uniform correctly

Only 7 steps to your successful learning.

1 comment:

  1. Well done 9PFn. This is a great way to follow your college journey and get to read your thoughts about YOUR/OUR College. Chylsea I agree whole-heartedly with your final statement "Only 7 steps to successful learning". The most successful students at Tamaki College take those seven steps EVERYDAY!.
