The Big Question
How was having the Netbook connected to the internet helped my learning this year ?
Can you tell us about something you have discovered and learnt by yourself this year.
What special thing have you learnt from your teachers this year ?
- I have learnt how to cook, write a proper essay, and learnt how to add and subtract negative and positive numbers.
What significant thing have you learnt all by yourself - maybe online
- I learnt how to do a lot of things doing with my Chromebook.
And how to use sites and google docs.
What have you learnt from your friend this year
- I have learnt that PFn can also be my second family. That they can help you and be
there for you no matter what happens. Like backstabbing and all that.
What have you learnt from someone outside of your classroom this year (ie not teacher or classmate)
- That there are some students that can be stupid and smoke on the courts.
How have you helped other kids learn this year
- I have helped other kids this year by being a supportive friend towards them.