
Friday, 6 December 2013

Aalyzah - Feedback

The Big Question
How was having the Netbook connected to the internet helped my learning this year ?
Can you tell us about something you have discovered and learnt by yourself this year.
What special thing have you learnt from your teachers this year ?
- I have learnt how to cook, write a proper essay, and learnt how to add and subtract negative and positive numbers.
What significant thing have you learnt all by yourself - maybe online
- I learnt how to do a lot of things doing with my Chromebook.
And how to use sites and google docs.
What have you learnt from your friend this year
- I have learnt that PFn can also be my second family. That they can help you and be
there for you no matter what happens. Like backstabbing and all that.
What have you learnt from someone outside of your classroom this year (ie not teacher or classmate)
- That there are some students that can be stupid and smoke on the courts.
How have you helped other kids learn this year
- I have helped other kids this year by being a supportive friend towards them.

Mino - Feedback

Big Question:
How has having a netbook connected to the internet helped my learning this year?
My learning has been faster, I can communicate with my teachers and fellow classmates faster. I can complete unfinished work, during the weekends and this has improved my learning.

Can you tell us about something you have discovered and learnt by yourself this year?
I have discovered that my learning has improved both physically and mentally.

  • What special thing have you learnt from your teacher this year?
- That if don’t study, you shall not pass. Studying can get anywhere you want to go.
  • What significant thing have you learnt all by yourself - maybe online
- How to communicate through online to teachers or fellow classmates
  • What have you learnt from your friend this year
- My friends taught me that they could be encouraging towards my digital learning.
  • What have you learnt from someone outside of your classroom this year (ie not teacher or classmate)
- I got taught how to do a word count for my documents
  • How have you helped other kids learn this year
- Giving them advice as to how to make their learning improve
       - Give them vocabulary ideas
       - Helping them out if they need a hand with work
Explaining things further for them to understand
       - Such as words
       - Tasks
  • How have you grown your key competencies through using digital tools this year
- I can do things faster, and anywhere at anytime. Communication and work gets done faster.

Matthew - Feedback

Well having a netbook has helped a lot but has distracted me a lot too. Its easier to write instead of a pen and paper. Its easier to access all the sites and just read off it. But it gets distracting when games and youtube and stuff comes to mind. I just play games.

Caroline - Feedback

1. To me It has helped out a lot and I think to the other students it has. It has been easier for us to research about based on our learning Intention. It has not only helped us in school grounds but at home as well. 

2. I have learnt many things from many of my teachers this year. Everything I know now is what I've learnt from them all. I started tamaki college not knowing anything and now leaving with huge bundle of new things. I've learnt that hard work gets you places. With out that you're not able to accomplish anything. 

3. I have learnt how to use Google docs. Coming from a school out of zone . Coming from Manurewa Intermediate we didn't use much electronic devices. Starting here at tamaki college , Im getting use to using netbooks and Things on the Net. 

4.I have learnt a lot of things from all my friends this year. I learnt to open up to others , cause I wasn't much of a loud , outside person. I learnt how to participate , contribute and use teamwork much much better now. 

5.  I've learnt that being year nine and not beginning NCEA dosen't give us the excuse to not focus . I've learnt to be ready now before starting before I'll find things difficult when i begin. I learnt that Year 9 I should stop mucking around and should focus now before its too late. 

6. Not really because I didn't know anything myself. This year everything was new. If I have I think it wasn't teaching anyone how to use the netbooks , cause i didn't know my self. 

Ilisapeci - Feedback

Using the net book has helped me connected to the internet faster. Sometimes using the net book can be hard but this year I have found it easier because I used last year to during Intermediate. This year doing my work online was something I have learnt all by myself this year. A special thing I have learnt this year from my teachers is you can talk on your work and this has helped me because they can tell what I did wrong in the work and that's what I like. Online the most significant thing was chatting with your friends. This is good in a way but sometimes it can distract us from learning. From my friend this year I have learnt that you can work in partners not only face to face but online. You can share a document and then you can both work on it. Outside the classroom I haven't really learnt anything because I have only learnt either at school or from my friends. I have helped my little brother in his net book and I have done a good job. I have taught him about what I have learnt through my friends and from my teachers.  I have grown don't know how but I have grown. In key competencies thinking,using language,managing self, relating to others, participating and contributing has helped me find out more about my net book. This has helped me work more faster and fluently with teachers and friends. I have learnt a lot about my net book this year and hope to find out more about it next year :) 

Tatiana - Feedback


Alyson - Feedback

During this year I have learnt how to write an essay. I also learnt alot in the subject maths, science and social studies. I have learnt alot of things from people outside the classroom, for instance my family had helped me when I was stuck in learning things at home and when I needed help. I have helped other kids with their learning by telling them what to do and helped them to understand. I have learn how to relate to others, think more positively, participate and contribute in groups discussion, use to learn different language, symbols and texts and also learnt how to manage myself. :)

Tynisha - Feedback

1. I learnt in, english to speak french. 
2. I have learnt the appropriate way to apply for a job. (buisness studies.)
3. to care for others unconditionally.
4. god is good.
5. co ordination through netbook
6. i learnt not to put any bad information on sites such as fb as it can lead to drama.

Angelica - Feedback

- I have leant how to write an essay, history about peoples backgrounds and cultures, more about migration and government, and experiments on speeding and chemical/physical reactions.

- How to manage my own English website.

- I didn't know anyone but Mino when I started so I suppose I have learnt more about my friends and their backgrounds.

- I have learnt that my Mentor has experienced school life just like us and has worked her way through to get a good job to better her life.

- I have helped my little 5 year older brother by helping him with his homework.

- By pushing myself to get on with my work and striving, However I have had a lot of ups and downs that has let down my learning this year and hopefully next year will be a better year.

Jarna - Feedback

1. From my English teacher I learnt how to tell the time in French.
2. I have learnt that there are many jobs and degrees that you can get.
3. Forgive but don't Forget.
4. I learnt how to play guitar from my uncle.
5. I have helped students in my class do things on the netbook.
6. I have grown on managing my self by using the tools and google docs on my netbook.

Chelsea - Feedback

This year from my friends, I have learnt to respect them correctly and to tell someone before the problem gets more difficult to deal with. I have learnt that people who come to school more often have a better chance of getting NCEA level 1. My teachers have inspired me to do my best in all my work and to do things at the best of my ability. I think that I have helped people to feel good towards themselves. From people outside of my classroom, I have learnt that smoking and drinking are both bad. Therefore, we should help them stop. I have learnt to stay safe on sites such as Facebook and not give any information that may get you in trouble.

Siosaia - Feedback

This year I have learnt from my teachers that having a netbook, is for us to use in terms of school. The things that I have learnt this year about using these electronic devices, are that we should respect it and its uses and to use it for the right things and not for playing around. This year I have learnt from my friends that I should be using netbooks, for the right uses. This year I have learnt from others that I should uses these as tools to play on or to work on individually. This year I have helped others learn using these devices. I have helped them learn heaps using netbooks. This year I think that I have grown more with my Key Competencies.

Kayde - Feedback

Having a netbook connected to the internet this year has made me discover that with all the temptations such as facebook and games on the internet is that I can manage myself to do my work.

A special thing that I have learnt from my teacher is to answer questions (all questions) with full word and descriptive answers.

A significant thing that I have learnt by myself is that I can do my work faster and much more often compared to last year.

What I have learnt from my friend this year is to keep doing your work and if you want to play a game then finish and ask the teacher first.

What I have learnt from someone outside the classroom is to not be like them. I've seen other students from Tamaki College outside of class doing some real dodgy things.

I have helped other kids this year by guiding them in the right direction instead of waging class and not coming to school.

I have grown in my key competencies. One in particular, self management. Last year I swore a lot and answered back to teachers. Although I still answer back I've noticed its not as bad as last year. 

Nathaniel - Feedback

I learnt to play guitar from mr telefoni by using my netbook to look
up chords for songs
I learnt all about barristers by using my netbook to search it up on careers
I learnt how to create links from my mate
i learnt how to make websites from joshua my brother
i helped other kids learn by informing them on what to do and sharing
my work so we get it done faster
i have grown on managing  myself because all the tools i need are on my netbook

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Pirate Joke - Havea

What's a pirate's favourite fish.....??

A Gold fish.


Pirate Joke - Sylvia

What did the pirate say to his girlfriend?
Morning DAAARRRling. 

Pirate Joke - Tatiana

What's a pirates favorite fish?

Pirate Joke - Siosaia

Q: What did the sea say to the Captain?
A: Nothing, It just waved

Pirate Joke - Caroline

What has eight legs and eight eyes?
(Eight pirates!) remember the wooden leg and the eye patch ... you get it ?.. -.-

Pirate Joke - Athena

What is a pirate's favorite country?

Pirate Joke - Joseph

If you see a person Not wearing a 3 cornered hat, not wearing an eye patch, without a wooden leg and with no parrot on his shoulder. What is he likely to be ?
A pirate in disguise!

Pirate Joke - Nathaniel

why could the pirate not go into the movie cause it was rated '' arr ''

Pirate Joke - Jarna

Q: What's Captain Hook's favorite store?
A: The Secondhand Shop!

Pirate Joke - Ilisapeci

Pirate Joke - Angelica






Pirate Joke - Aalyzah

Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet?
Because they can spend years at C (:

Pirate Joke - Tynisha

How did the pirate stop smoking?
He used the patch

Pirate Joke - Alyson

A pirate walks into the bar and orders a jug o' grog. Bartender says, "Hey Cap'n, why are ye wearing an eye patch?"

Cap'n says: "Cuz I haven't got enough booty to afford an I-Pad!"

Pirate Joke - Hainite

1. Why are pirates great singers?
Because they can  hit the high C's

2. Why cant you take a picture of a pirate with a wooden leg?
Because a wooden leg doesn't take pictures

3. Why does it take so long for pirates to learn the alphabetical order?
Because they spend years at C

Pirate Joke - Kayde

1.What is a pirate's favorite country?

2. "Knock Knock"
   "Who's there?"
   "Matthew who?"
   "Matthew Arrrrrrgh"

Pirate Joke - Chelsea

Pirate Joke - Cruz

Q. Why wasn't the pirate aloud into the pirate Movie ?
A. Because it was rated "Arrrgh" 


Pirate Joke - Mino

What did the pirate say when his wooden leg got stuck in the freezer?
Shiver me timbers!

Friday, 30 August 2013

If I Ruled the World - Angelica

If I was the ruler of planet earth, wouldn't it be nice if the world was cad-bury? I'd make everything chocolate. Also I would command everyone and they would do what I say. Lastly there would be no such thing as poverty and hunger. Everyone would be fed, clothed, nurtured, qualified and everyone would be treated the same and all live happily ever after :)

If I Ruled the World - Joseph

I believe that if I was ruler of planet Earth there would be:
1.No bullying anywhere and if you did bully someone you would be put in jail for 5 years.
2.If anyone said minecraft is gay would die.
3.I would name a month after me.

If I Ruled the World - Tupac

If I ruled the world I would change these three things.
1.I would make it that I can get everything for free.
2.I would make it I do not have to go to school.
3.I would create a holiday called Tupac Day.

If I Ruled the World - Nathaniel

1 i would send satellite shuttles to look for aliens
2 i would make a new ‘ GAME DAY’ where everyone has to play games
3 i would change the name earth to morrissiem

If I Ruled the World - Alyson

If I, Alyson Smurf Penina, we lre the ruler of the earth, i would: 

1. Let employers get more money than what they get, so they struggle less with their families.
2. I would kill anyone who called WWE fake.
3. I would also own a big mansion where I had slaves that bowed down to me and obeyed me everyday for the rest of my life.

If I Ruled the World - Hainite

If Haiinite Ruled The World ^.^

1. If I ruled the world I would make school teachers provide snack in class.
2.  I would make school homework free 
3. I would make Tamaki have a free period everyday :-)

Thursday, 29 August 2013

If I Ruled the World - Mino

If I were the Emperor as in 'Ruler of the World',
I would:
- End world hunger, to help everyone living in Poverty. 
- Encourage the world to be at peace with one another
- Give everyone an equal yet big amount of money once every three months, so they can benefit. 

If I Ruled the World - Sylvia

If I, VIA SWAG, were the ruler of planet Earth..

1. I would abolish smoking & alcohol to children under the age of 18. 
2. I would let teachers get paid a whole lot more than they are now.
3. I would also STOP racism, bullying, self-harm etc. For the sake of those that are living & going through rough times. 

If I Ruled the World - Athena


If I Ruled the World - Kayde

If I KINGKAYDE was ruler of planet earth....

1.Everyone would have to exercises for at least 30 minutes everyday. You get five warnings and when they're up you get executed.

2.Make Waterworld in the Gold Coast my house !

3.Get a new tutor and science teacher LOL

If I Ruled the World - Aalyzah

If I ruled Earth , My Three Rules Would be . . .

#1 I Would make everyday mufti all around the world for the local school's.
#2 I Would BAN science and never to use it again ! 
#3 I Would also STOP poverty , Woman Abuse and Animal cruelty throughout the world ;3

If I Ruled the World - Chylsea

1. If i ruled the world I would make money grow on trees !
2. If i ruled the world I would stop bulling and make everyone humble.
3. If i ruled the world I would pay teachers more money.
4. If i ruled the world I would feed the poor/countries.
5. If i ruled the world I would make a lot more chocolate.
6. If i ruled the world I would build more homes for the people who need it.
7. If i ruled the world i would build a extra foot path for people on bikes.

If I Ruled the World - Chelsea

What would I do if I ruled the world?

Hmm... I would punish anyone who forces me to run.
I would make teachers give us no homework and if they disobey what I say, Ill fire them on the spot.
The last thing I would do is make broccoli illegal to eat.

If I Ruled the World - Tynisha

If I ruled the world^.^...

1- I'd let school students arrive in school later than usual , in other words "sleep in" ;) haha.

2- Proclaim , everyday a holiday. :D

3- I would create an enhanced education system, so school is 9 hours a day, with 2 hours extra every Saturday. especially, P.E! ha.

If I Ruled the World - Matthew

If we ruled the world we would make all fat food, have no fat but still taste the same. We would make everyone runon Saturday. And last, If we ruled the world, we would ban all cruelty and abuse. If anyone did not obey these rules, they would be hung.

If I Ruled the World - Jarna

If I became the ruler of the world the first thing I would change would be bullying if you bully someone you be put in prison for so many years, unless you were playing around. The second thing I would change is the attitudes of the younger generation. The third thing that I would change is all the wars with the countries, and if they start they will all be killed or put in prison for life. One last thing that I would change is poverty, there are too many people especially kids that are dying of starvation and disease. So when I become ruler of the world the first thing I would do is stop poverty.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

If I Ruled the World - Tatiana

If I, Tatiana ruled the world i'ld stop Zayn from marrying Perry. I would make money grow on trees. I'ld compell everyone to do what I say. 

If I ruled the World - Siosaia

If I ruled the world..

1. I would make everyone play Rugby Union and League.

2. I would increase the benefit cash.

3. I would make everything equal, so that everyone gets 1 thousand dollars every week. 

If I Ruled the World - Ilisapeci

If i were emperor and ruled planet earth …

1. I would not allow people who wouldn’t present themselves nicely to do what they want. (sensible)

2. Would Allow corner shops for me to be free , for whatever i want …Everything i wanted i should get , because Im boss okay … BOSS i repeat.

3. No one is allowed to be normal , you have to be weird… Funky , and yeop.

If I Ruled the World - Caroline

If I were emperor and ruled planet earth …

1. Everyone should be treated the same and that the poverty and rich were to be even…

2. No-one should EVER force me to run. NEVER AND EVER

3. I would allow and support the Gay - Lesbian -special and anything nobody at the moment support , for we should accept people for who they are…  

If I Ruled the World - Havea

I believe that if I was ruler of planet Earth then I'd make anyone or everyone to make their favourite sport boxing because that sport could come in handy for some help-less people and that in may or may not come in handy once being attacked. My second command I would set is that everyone is welcome to do anything and everything positive so that most people can feel free however if people were to do bad things then I'd threaten them and like, shout" DON'T MAKE ME CHOP YOUR HEAD OFF!" HAHA and my last commandment I would set is that I would make a truce with every country and build an underground fortress underneath every country in case of any bad occasions or disasters and yeah, That's all.

Friday, 5 July 2013

My Perfect Lesson - Hainite

If I was to have my perfect lesson, It will have sofa's every where, LOUD music, my class would work on iPads, we would have a cupboard full of food ^.^ , a kick back teacher, a BIGGER cupboard of sweets and pretty much junk. My class will be free to do anything as long as nobody gets hurt. We would learn about singers, country's, actors and anything. My class will be full of teenagers.

My Perfect Lesson - Angelica

I wish that my perfect lesson would be to learn in a room with ONE DIRECTION posters everywhere on the walls, comfortable sofas to sit on like in Mrs Dunn's classroom, music blasted, everyone happy and smiley especially the teachers, the teachers to not be so strict and give us a lot of work to do, to learn about the history of one direction and other celebrities, to take trips to go see one direction and fly around the world to different countries, to have food and drink provided, to be allowed to play on our electronic items such as iPod's, phones, i-pads, however also for the teacher to make learning more easier, understandable and more fun and entertaining.

My Perfect Lesson - Matthew

My perfect lesson looks like, alot of art everywhere. Paint, sketches, art. Everybody silent drawing. Sketches all over the wall. Teacher teaching us how to draw.

This is my perfect lesson

My Perfect Lesson - Kayde

For me the perfect class looks like, well first of all its a P.E lesson! My vision is that everyone is running around having fun! And that there is no one sitting around and being LAZY!

So that's what is looks like
From Kayde

My Perfect Lesson - Nathaniel

The perfect lesson for me would be in the music room playing and writing songs to play at assembly or at other events. The perfect lesson would also be for me studying classical learning all abut spartacus and Julius Caesar.

My Perfect Lesson - Aalyzah

The perfect lesson
My perfect lesson you could eat whatever you want AND listen to music as well as you still learn. There would also be a lot of free time. You would also be really kick back and do what you want when you want. The teachers would be ok with it and if we could watch movies all day(:.

My Perfect Lesson - Jarna

The perfect lesson:

The perfect lesson to me is to be in music. Getting to play the instruments and practice songs. The best thing that I would really like is to have free time every time in that lesson. My most favourite thing to be able to do in that lesson would be to make your own songs and make the teacher pleased.

My Perfect Lesson - Sylvia

The way I see it, my perfect lesson would have to be something that goes way beyond dreaming free. It would involve some free time & honestly, just seeing all my teachers happy for one whole day! I would understand detention or consequences appointed to me, but I guess my perfect lesson would have to involve some sort of entertainment. For every class, I'd love to sit next to the people I wish to & just have a laugh but go by the rules as well. I would honestly love school forever!!!

My Perfect Lesson - Ilisapeci

To me a perfect lesson looks like a classroom full of students , working real hard , for a better outcome. Students who are keen to be taught a lot of new things. Students who know they are capable of doing things when they grow older. Perfect lesson tend to be those one when , your class and yourself revise or recap on what has happened on the  previous lesson. Therefore , you know where you have finished , and where you need to carry on from , and that you remember what’s been taught. A classroom full of good students who don't waste their time but to take in what’s been taught .

My Perfect Lesson - Caroline

What does a perfect lesson look like to you :

In my class a perfect lesson , looks and feels comfortable . may be perfect , because you understand what’s been taught , could be challenging but also at the same time , its good , that its hard , meaning you're challenging yourself and also finding the difficult way , to me going through the hard way , you are learning more , going through the easy way , you're really not challenging yourself and learning anything . Students who don’t muck around and also , students like us who spend every minute , second millisecond to try pick up what's been taught. A perfect lesson looks and ends up successful , lesson that starts with an introduction to every topic, knowing what they are getting ready for, also ending lessons with evaluating on what’s just happened  . Also a perfect lesson looks like a classroom full of outstanding students who are ready and is willing  to do some learning , People who go to classes, at the right time , at the right place, with the right gear . Also wise students who treasure everything that they’ve learnt.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

My Prefect Lesson - Tynisha

My ideal classroom would involve all the technology possible. I would have a classroom laptop cart full of Macs. Not only would I have one Smart Board, but maybe three. There would be computers set up with literacy station, blog stations, Garage  Band  Station, Nintendo DS and an iMovie Station. Maybe there would even be a news station to record our classroom Podcasts. The students would be able to access the computers and technology at any time they feel the need to and every student would know how to manage the equipment.
I would also have digital projects around the classroom for the students to view different videos, and for teaching lessons.
I cannot forget the treehouse that I would have in my classroom. The treehouse would be built into the classroom, allowing the students to go to a quiet place for silent reading time. There would be pillows and lots of books for the students to read. Maybe there would even be laptops in the treehouse for the students to read books online.
I would also have an art station, full of art supplies. The students can use this  station to express their artist side at any time.
There would also be a science experiment station, with all interesting science things to look at, and explore.
Oh, and did I mention that I would have only 15 students in my class (; 

My Perfect Lesson - Alyson

The lesson I have enjoyed so far, throughout my years of learning or should I say school is P.E. I like to learn new skills and play new games and have a lot of fun with other class mates. I would love to learn new languages like Japanese and any other languages.

My Perfect Lesson - Tatiana

My perfect lesson will be in a rainbow wall colored room with comfortable sofas to sit on. Preferably leather and long because that's just whats up. I would have a maid who gives me what I want. She has to wear uniform saying my name. She would give me Smoothies, massages etc. I would be learning about music and celebrities mostly, especially people like Lucas Vercetti. But we would learn about English, Science, and that for about 3 minutes. I'd have Lucas Vercetti there helping me with Zayn Malik on my right side. We would have a food break every 5 minutes. I'ld watch Regular Show and Vampire Diaries too. I wish for this perfect lesson.

My Perfect Lesson - Mino

A Perfect Lesson

To me, a perfect lesson needs to includes these things: 
During the lesson, the teacher needs to be as clear as possible for the everybody to understand for what is going on. The teacher would also make sure if everybody understands her teaching. 

Co-operation is one of the key things needed to help the whole classroom through the lesson. Everybody, including the teacher needs to co-operate for the lesson to go well.  
Respect is another key thing needed throughout the classroom to help. It is important to show respect to everybody, including the teacher and hear to what they have to say. 

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

My Perfect Lesson - Athena

The perfect lesson would look like a place to be where it would be fun. There would be games, and have music. But not too much because you would have to learn something from it as well. It would also look colour full, with lots of bright colours all over the place, and just a little bit of music playing in the background. Thank you.

My Perfect Lesson - Havea

What my type of perfect lesson would look like is when the teacher would teach us what would needed to be taught, then sit down for a nice solid ten minutes and then, check up on us to see if we're half way or brainy enough to finish.
At the moment the only a couple of subjects that do this for me, the reason being is because our teacher trust us to finish the work on time and that we make sure we do finish our work then, when finished we play games.

My Perfect Lesson - Chylsea

Well , my perfect lesson would have to be a lesson where you can do whatever you want. For example : text, go on facebook or eat (BUT the food is already made and prepared for you)
This can be a class where everyone can just let out all their energy and just kick back and have fun. Whether it is playing games or even just ready a book.
Anything you want can happen in this class.

This would have to be my perfect lesson.

My Perfect Lesson - Chelsea

My perfect classroom would have couches that we can sit on and music playing. Everyone would be enjoying their selves with their lunch on one side. My perfect classroom would involve the subjects, art, music, and ICT. My teacher would be someone that lets friends from other classes join in and lets us talk during tests. That is what my perfect classroom would be like.

Monday, 1 July 2013

My Perfect Lesson - Saia

What Does My Perfect Session Look Like?

Well my perfect session would like something similar to an normal PE class. But instead of just listening to the teacher he goes straight into some games. Everyone is in PE gear and having an lot of fun. Everybody is enjoying themselves and is having an great time. The Instructor/teacher then feels OTL ( Only The Lonely) and then wants to enjoy the time he is given with such an amazing class such as 9PFN.

It is now 5 minutes to the bell and the teacher/instructor then says to head to the changing rooms and get changed before the bell.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Respect - Caroline

Respect to me means , treating others the way you wanna be treated. Respect is something that is shown not only to people but to properties and other things. Showing respect to school properties , and environment. To me , no matter what they do , if they respect me , I’ll do the same to them . Without respect I think that nothing , or anything would be right. Respect and manners will eventually get you far in life. Show respect to earn respect. Respect to me at church is , wearing appropriate clothes , in front of my brothers and sisters in christ , and also , respect in our culture. At home respect is something that we show against and among each other , to me I show alot of respect to my parents , for all they have one , and for all their sacrifices for us , esp when schooling back then was rough which was a major , all thanks to them and the man above , I still live up to now .

Respect - Ilisapeci

Respect to me means , being polite to everyone . To me respect means using manners . Respect is something that is needed to be shown to everyone and everything. Respect should also be shown to things like not only people but religion , and culture.

Respect - Matthew

What is respect? Well I think respect is showing regard and appreciation for one another. It means accepting a person for who they are, just not by the colour of their skin. And letting them be themselves, instead of them putting an act on just to be appreciated.It means valuing each others point of views.It is to honour yours and others personal values, religion, family customs.It means being kind and polite to others. The way you want to be treated is the way you treat others.Respect means to not cause violence within each other.

What is respect in school? Respect in school is, being kind to the teachers and other students.To show that you are at school to learn and be a friend to others, and not there to cause violence or harm to others.To not be a egg in class, and to listen to the teacher and get your work done.Respect the teachers by listening is class and passing test to show your learning.

What is respect outside of the house and school? It is like the others.To be kind to other locals, and shop owners etc. To respect buildings and cars, houses. By not tagging, throwing stuff at it, breaking things in or on it.By treating the town with kindness.

Respect - Aalyzah

To me, respect is when people value your opinion and admire your being. When people can look up to you. When you are given your place and are treated as a valuable human being. It is a positive feeling that should not be confused with fear. You have to show respect to get respect and people get respect for the things they've done in the past and they way they handle life they value people for who they are as a person not for what they have. And To ge

Respect - Tynisha

Respect is what you need to have before you can get. If you want someone to treat you a certain way, you have to treat them that same way. You have to have manners. Of course, everyone wants to be treated equal without discrimination of race, color, gender, or religion. You have to respect (have manners) the disabled. It means that everyone deserves a chance to be treated like human. In that way, good. Everyone deserves to be treated good unless they give you a reason not too. In grade school, teachers say "treat others the way you want to be treated". If you want people to respect you, you have to respect them.

Respect - Sylvia

Respect can be shown as actions and as well as being spoken, but many people assemble different meanings for it. To me, if you want respect, you have to earn it by giving it to someone else. At home, as the youngest member in the house, I show equal respect to everyone. It’s not compulsory, it’s the right thing to do. I think at school, we improve our respect towards teachers. To respect a teacher, I think you need to show grattitude, just to show that we are not wasting their time teaching us the skills they know to help us get better in our educational areas. As a christian, I change the way I speak towards my elders and I respect the area and people that I share my presence with. Anywhere out of these areas, your respect should be shown equally. It doesn’t matter where you are or who you’re with, you don’t change for anyone. Respect is respect.

Respect - Tatiana

To me, respect means to show appreciation and loyalty to your peers and others. Respect at home means to appreciate your caregivers and other people living with you. It also means to show honesty and kindness to others. Respect at school means to commit to your education and be fair to others. Respect is to treat others the way you are wanted to be treated. Respect is to considerate of others. No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena tatou katoa.

Respect - Tupac

To me respect means loyalty to a certain person that you know and respect is something you can be learned by anyone.Even people who have lost it for you.

Respect - Havea

What respect means to me is just a kind manner of treating my fellow people nicely so that they may treat me nicely in return. What respect means at school is nothing because we have people forcing other students to do things they really wouldn't want to do, e.g. smoking or fighting. Respect at home is improving and why is because at home my family and I had just recently joined a family help group and we're starting to get better and better with each other. At first we were just swearing at complaining to our mum but now, we're totally different and how is because we're all communicating positively and taking responsibilities in what we should do. Respect at my church is very very high because as a Mormon, it's one of the commandments that we should obey, in-order to go to heaven! Outside all of the places,(church, home & school), respect is average but sometime soon, we'll all get along with each other, and that's what respect means to me!

Respect - Kayde

What does respect mean to me?
At home? At church? At school? Outside all of these?

Well, I think that respect outside of school is maintained stronger and we are more disciplined. Especially at home and church. But at school I think that the discipline drops a bar. Sadly.

A world without respect would be tagged all over, bombed and destroyed with too much hood rats. So to me respect is a very good thing, though I am not that respectful. Still I try my best to be!

Respect - Nathaniel

Respect means to me when someone treats me with fairness and honesty i believe people with respect should treat others property with respect and they should never treat their friends with annoyance and that they do not insult their friends because of something they like.

Respect - Jarna

Respect at home for me means when your parents or caregiver tells you to go and do something you do it. For example they say go and do the dishes, you go and do them. Also if they tell you to take your belongings into your room do it straight away.

For me at school respect is being kind to the other students around the school, also is to be polite to the teachers and don't talk back to them either. I also believe that respect is looking after the buildings and plants and the environment. Also not littering and use the bins.

I think that respect outside of home and school still occurs. That means don't litter on the streets, that's what bin's are for chucking your rubbish inside it not for decorations. One more thing I think respect means is how people act on the streets, like swearing there is no need for that, because young children do not need to hear that kind of language.

Respect - Angelica

What does RESPECT mean to me at HOME, SCHOOL AND CHURCH?

RESPECT at HOME to me means listening to my parents, helping out with duties, and relating to one another such as my siblings and parents in a more polite way, so that we can all feel happy and safe in the environment and home we live in.

RESPECT at SCHOOL to me means putting in a lot of effort and as much as I can in whatever I do as much as my teachers put in. Also to be considerate of others, use my manners and show a positive attitude towards the teachers, staffs and students.

RESPECT at CHURCH to me means being appreciative of what God has done and to thank him. Also to be quiet during mass, be manner able and to be respectful when I am in God's house.