
Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Level 1 Options - Chelsea and Tynisha - History

Level 1 Options - Aalyzah and Tatiana - PE and Health

Level 1 - Tupac and Joe - Social Studies

At level 1 Social Studies, there are 20 credits on offer.  There are 3 internal achievement standards and 2 external, each worth 4 credits each.
The topics we cover are:
*  Social Networking - the causes and consequences
*  The 40 Hour Famine
*  Burma's fight for rights
*  Tokelau - Our small world
and two external topics that will be provided at the end of the year.

Senior social studies is about how societies work and how people can participate in their communities as informed, critical, active, and responsible citizens.
Students examine the causes and effects of social issues that relate to identity, culture, and organisation, and learn to take actions that may bring about social improvement.
They investigate how individuals, communities, and societies respond to change and how ideas about society develop over time.

Friday, 15 August 2014

Level 1 Options - Sosaia and Cruz - Art

Mrs Telefoni teaches Visual Arts

Visual Arts
Visual Arts encompasses the traditional fields of painting, photography, printmaking and sculpture.  It also includes animation, ceramics, jewellery making etc. The Visual Arts course is designed to feed students with creative thinking and broaden their minds.
Students discover new and interesting ways to extend their imagination and techniques analysing a variety of artists from different genres.  Within the course students solve through their innovative thinking exploring beyond the boundaries of the traditional arts.

Students are offered 24 credits for Level 1 & 2: 12 for internals and 12 for external boards.   Level 3 are offered 26 credits: 12 for internals and 14 for external boards.  The external boards consist of art works on 2 panel boards for Level 1 and 2.  Level 3 consists of 3 panel boards.  These are externally examined in Wellington.  

Future opportunities consist in architecture, freelance artist, photographer, fashion designer, art director, animator, art teacher, costume designer, set designer, film, illustrator (book), art glass maker, pottery and the list goes on.

Level 1 Options - Mino and Sinola - Business

Business is one of the options that you can chose to take for Y11 Options.
In Business you receive:
- 12 External Credits
- 12 Internal Credits

With this option you can open many doors for yourself.
For example Business can allow you to have a better opportunity of getting a job.

To accomplish these credits.
- External - Depends on the student, it is up to them whether they want to do external or internal.
- Internal - Market Day

Level 1 Options - Caroline and Ilisapeci - Catering


Catering taken by Ms Moore for Level 1 and Mrs Heka from ages above. Catering is about learning new skills in the kitchen. It teaches them how to use different techniques also. Catering is about learning how to make and serve food. Things like making different sauces, finger foods meat cute and many more. And for what most people don't know its about learning about different parts of various things for an example an egg. And what parts of that particular ingredient you need to use for making foods. You do not set externals if taking Catering. Because catering is about physical learning, you do not set externals, yet still do internals. Catering hands out many credits. At level 1 you recieve at about 20 to 25 credits. At level 2 you recieve credits worth of 50 national credits.Meaning you can use your certificate in New Zealand. When interviewing Mrs Heka all that was quoted was "The sky is the limit". When taking catering there are SO MANY things that you are capable to do. Things like being a mobile chef, to being a personal chef, invent manager mainly anything with chef qualifications. 

By Caroline & Ilisapeci

Level 1 Options - Alyson and Sylvia - Wood

The teacher in charge for Material Technology is Mr Thomas.
Level 1 Material Technology :
22 Internal Credits and 4 External Credits
Level 2 Material Technology :
22 Internal and 4 External
Level 3 Material Technology :
22 Internal and 4 External
The aim for this option is :
- Planning fr Practices
- Developing Briefs
- Developing and Evaluation outcomes to ensure fitness  for purpose
- Using technological modeling to inform products
- Exploring and discussing the characteristics of technology
- Exploring and discussing  the characteristics of technological products
Based on information given by Course Outline 2014. The focus for this technology in level 1 is to develop a technological solution to address the issue of storage at home through undertaking sound technological practice  that is guided by planning. 
The Future opportunities in taking this option is the basis for ongoing Technology Education. Tertiary studies(Also referred as third stage, education of following completion of a school providing a secondary education) including product and industrial products. Also trade association with the use of wood including carpentry, joinery (Wood components of building) and cabinet making. 

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Level 1 Options - Angelica, Hainite and Athena - Media Studies

The Media Studies Teacher here at Tamaki College is Ms Emery. We asked her a few questions based on what NCEA would be like if we chose the option "Media Studies".

In L1 Media Studies 20 credits are offered over the year. 3 assessments are internal and 2 assessments are external. The externals are worth 4 credits each. 

For L2 Media Studies 21 credits are offered and for L3 Media Studies 20 credits are offered to each student. There is one external for those levels.
Media Studies is an Approved Subject at Level 3, which is important if you want to go to University. All levels offer Merit and Excellence Endorsement

Media Studies is connected to so many different career options, but the majority of them are in the Arts Industries. So if you're interested in Journalism, Radio, Television or Film Production, Newspapers, Script writing, Acting, Writing, or Advertising, then Media Studies is the place to go.

Here is Ms Emery's word of advice on the job opportunities on this option.

In order to gain credits the best strategy is to attend class every lesson, complete the homework, classwork and assessments, according to the achievement criteria, and LOVE watching, talking about, critiquing and participating in ALL forms of Media. So when the class is asked to go home and watch television for homework, I am serious. I really do want the class to go home and watch television. Or, if there's an amazing new movie out. I EXPECT my students to go see it. And then talk about it in class. Or, take the class along too. Or, listen to a wide range of radio stations. Or, read a wide range of newspapers. Or, make a film. Or, play the latest game. Or, Make a Vlog. Or, write a script. I expect total dedication to Film Club, that means attending film screenings every fortnight after school. (By the way, Film Club this Thursday in B8 is the classic, 'Singing in the Rain'. You're welcome to join us. Bring your own popcorn Media Studies rocks BIG TIME!

Level 1 Options - Saia and Havea - Automotive Engineering


Level 1 Automotive Engineering is mostly the basics of making and understanding the parts of the vehicles. In this Level one you gain 20 credits.

In Year 12 (LEVEL 2)  its pretty much hands on stuff. You get to join the Trades Academy. You basically take apart the engine and get to test run it in cars and stuff. Whilst in this class you get to go MIT and learn more about automotive engineering. You get more than 20 credits in this Year level.

In year 13 (LEVEL 3) you pretty much get more than enough credits in this Level. You get to work with the transmissions and test run them. By choosing this career path, you can end up in many other jobs. Examples of these various jobs are, Automotive Body,Automotive Heavy Engineering and Vehicle Servicing.

Level 1 Options - Jarna - Music

For Level 1 music next year most of the work is independent. During Level 1 you will be expected to perform a solo performance, which is worth 6 level 1 NCEA credits. You will also perform a song as a group, worth the same amount of credits as the solo act. As you proceed along the year you will have a focus instrument of your desire. With each instrument you get a tutor, the tutors and instruments are guitar (Ropati), vocals (Rapana) and drums.

One assessment you will do is creating your very own song, which is also worth 6 more credits, but you can also write another song giving you 12 credits. Performing and learning the instrument of your choice is the main focus for music. You will also be learning about Queen and Handle where you will do an assessment Worth 12 Level 1 credits in total.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Level 1 Options - Jaydenzel - ICT

Amount of credits obtainable:50 or more
What they do:
The senior students do a double option line where they spend 5 periods a week with Mr Grundy and 5 periods a week with Ms Anderson.
They also go out to a training school for two afternoons each week.
Mr Grundy does mostly MS Office applications (Unit Standards)
Ms Anderson does more graphical type work using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
Job Opportunities:
"There are lots of jobs in the Information technology area and wages are usually well above the average wage."(Mr Grundy.)

Level 1 Options - Kayde, Matthew and Lepa - Maori

Credits = 30 L1 (10 Literacy)

3 internal exams - (18 credits inside school)
2 external exams- (12 credits outside school)

Credits = 28 L2 (10 Literacy)

3 internal exams (16 credits inside school)
2 external exams (12 credits)

Credits = 28 L3 (10 Literacy)

3 internal exams (16 credits inside school)
2 external exams (12 credits)

Maori is considered as a core subject and is a short pathway to get
into university passing with good marks! This course can teach you
about the tapu values and the language of us indigenous people in New
Zealand. Maori!.

Future pathways: Maori tourism, Maori Kaiako, T.V Presenter, Maori
performing arts (Going around the world showing off Maori ways)
Anything really.

(Employers look for people who can understand Te reo Maori and the Tikanga)

Maori is a core subject at university. Maori is one core subject you
‘might’ have to have to get into university. With good marks though.

Level 1 Options - Nathaniel - Music

Level 1 Music is based off the structure of year 10 music you are expected to be mostly independent in your learning. During the year you do a solo performance worth 6 level 1 credits and a group performance also worth 6 level 1 credits. During the year you have to focus on an instrument of your choice getting regular lessons from tutors these include Guitar ( Ropati ) Drums Vocals ( Rapana ). You are also able to complete a Composing assessment where you must create your own song this is also worth 6 Level 1 credits but can be done twice allowing for 12 Level 1 credits. The main focus for level 1 Music is performing and learning your Instrument. However you will also be learning about Queen and Handle in which both you will do an assessment for Worth 12 Level 1 credits in total.

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Maori Language Week - Tupac

He hōnore, he korōria
Maungārongo ki te whenua
 pai e
Kingā tangata katoa
Ake ake, ake ake
Te Atua, te piringa,
Toku oranga

Maori Language Week - Ilisapeci

E Ihowa Atua
O ngā iwi mātou rā,
āta whakarongo na;
Me aroha noa.
Kia hua ko te pai;
Kia tau tō atawhai;
Manaakitia mai

God of nations at thy feet
in the bonds of love we meet.
Hear our voices, we entreat,
God defend our free land.
Guard Pacific’s triple star
From the shafts of strife and war,
Make her praises heard afar,
God defend New Zealand.

Maori Language Week - Cruz

Matariki - Is the Maori New Year. It originated from a story about Tane-Mahuta (God of Forest) and his Tawhirimatea, They each wanted to decorate their sky father (Ranginui). Tawhirimatea had the idea of putting stars and the moon  and the son into the Sky to decorate their dad. Matariki was recently and still is being celebrated today. 

Friday, 25 July 2014

Maori Language Week - Havea

Kia Ora,

This is my whaka-papa,

(Maori Version)
Ko Havea toku ingoa
Ko Paniani toku ingoa whanau
Ko tekau ma wha oku tau
No Tonga ahau
Ko Kanokupolu te iwi
Kei Glen Innes toku kainga noho
Ko tamaki te awa
Ko Maungare

Maori Language Week - Hainite

How to count to 10 in maori:

One = Tahi
Two = Rua
Three = Toru
Four = Wha
Five = Rima
Six = Ono
Seven = Whitu
Eight = Wharu
Nine = Iwa
Ten = Tekau 

Maori Language Week - Tatiana

Nga Ra:
​Rahina : Monday
Ratu : Tuesday
Raapa : Wednesday
Rapare : Thursday
Ramere : Friday
Rahoroi : Saturday
Ratapu : Sunday

Maori Language Week - Caroline

I have just shown you the English and Maori translation of how to say your name and what school we attend. 

English translation.
Hello my name is (name) and I am attending Tamaki College. 

Maori Translation. 
kia ora ko (ingoa) i toku ingoa, me ahau haere i Tamaki College.
Maori language week. 

Maori Language Week - Jarna

Kua kai anō koe?
Have you had something to eat?
He aha māu?
What would you like?
He wai ārani māku.
I would like an orange juice.
He wai reka māku.
I would like a soft drink.
He wai noa iho māku.
Just water for me.
Ka rawe te kōrero Māori.
Gee speaking Maori is good fun.
Ka rawe.
Choice, awesome.
Ehara mai!
Ka mau te wehi!

Maori Language Week - Kayde

A Whakapaapa is tikanga to Maori as it symbolizes where we're from.



Ko Ngongotaha raua ko Papatu te maunga
Ko Utuhina raua ko Te Arai te awa
Ko Turanga-nui-a-kiwa te moana
Ko Te Arawa raua ko Rongowhakaata te iwi
Ko Tonuhopu raua ko Ohako te marae
Ko Te Arawa raua ko Mataatua te waka
Ko Ngati Wahakaue raua ko Ruapani te hapu
Ko Tama-te-Kapua raua ko Rongowhakaata te tangata

Ko Janelle Toku Whaea
Ko Victor Toku Matua
Ko Shyarn te Mataamua o te whanau
Ko Gabriel te potiki o te whanau
Ko Kayde ahau

Maori Language Week - Jaydenzel

Ko Jaydenzel toku ahau.
     Ko Lilly toku mama.
     Ko Tino toku papa.
     Ko Mt Wellington toku maunga.
Ko Samoa/Niue toku iwi.

Maori Language Week - Sosaia

What is a powhiri?

A powhiri is an event , usually to welcome manuhiri (guest) to a gathering or meeting.

The wero is laid down or challenge by a male to welcome the guest

Then there is a whai korero by an elderly male

Then the guest usually perform a song or haka 

Then they go around and do hongi's 

And finally there is usually a feast

And that is a powhiri

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Maori Language Week - Nathaniel

Haere mai (welcome)
He roa te wā kua kitea (long time no see)
Pō mārie (good night)
Kia waimarie (good luck)
Kia pai tō rā (have a nice day)

Maori Language Week - Tynisha

Maori phrases

Good morning-
ata marie/morena

po marie

kia waimarie

e noho ra (said by person leaving)
e haere ra ( said by person leaving)

ka pai to ra- 
have a nice day ;'D

Maori Language Week - Angelica

Ko Eniselika te pai 
Angelica is the best. 

Kotahi te aronga aroha Eniselika

One Direction love Angelica.

Ka moea e tetahi aronga kei te ki te Eniselika

Maori Language Week - Mino

Here are a few facts about the Maori people of Aotearoa. 

1. The Maori are known as the Indigenous people of New Zealand. 
2.  There are ancient Maori traditions,values and monuments that still exist today.
3. Ta Moko is a tattoo used to connect people with their past. 
4. Maori were here before the Europeans.
5. There are a number of iwi across New Zealand, for example The Nga Puhi.

Maori Language Week - Sinola

  • Here is a Waiata (song) 
    Tēnā koutou, e hoa mā             Greetings, oh friends      
    Kua tae mai nei i tēnei rā          Arrived here this day  
    Nö reira rā, e hoa mā                Therefore, oh friends,
    Kia ora rā, koutou katoa            Good health, to you all
    Kua rongo hoki ahau                  I had heard of course 
    Kua rongo hoki ahau                  I had heard of course 
    Kua rongo hoki ahau                  I had heard of course 
    Kei te haere mai koutou            That you were all coming 
    Nö reira rā, e hoa mā                 Therefore, oh friends,
    Kia ora rā, koutou katoa             Good health, to you all

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Maori Language Week - Aaalyzah

Maori language week is from the 21st of July to the 27th of July. 
Haere Mai : Welcome
Hui : Meeting
Taniwha : Monster
Kia Ora : Hello
Whare Paku : Toilet
Waiata : Song
Reo : Maori Language
Hikoi : Journey.

Maori Language Week - Athena

Ko Atheena toku ingoa
Ko Ioapo toku papa
Ko Rayleen toku whaea
Ko Lote toku kuia
Ko Taelenga toku koro

Maori Language Week - Siosaia

Whaikorero (A speech that a elder male says at a gathering like a powhiri or tangi) Like how matua wally always stands up and talks in maori at the powhiri every year

Waimarie Pai - Good Luck

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Maori Language Week - Alyson

Maori Language Week - Joseph

Kia ora toku ingoa ko Hohepa

This can be translated directly in Gmail :-

Maori Language Week - Chelsea

Maori Language Week, te wiki o te reo Maori, is a government-sponsored initiative intended to encourage New Zealanders to promote the use of Maori language. Here are a few basic Maori words.

Kia ora - Hello
Haere mai - Welcome
Waiata- Song
Ka kite - Good bye
Tamariki - Children
Peahea koe - How are you?

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Matariki - Cruz

Matariki, is a 7 star cluster. Also sisters. The name of the stars are Waiti, Waita, tupu-a-nuku, tupu-a-rangi, Waipuna-a-rangi, Ururangi and Matariki. Matarki is the maori name for the Pleiads. This will appear in this year on the 28th June, which is Saturday. You can see the matariki during early hours in the morning. :)

Matariki - Hainite


Matariki - Athena

Matariki is the Maori new year. It happens once a year, and is represented by 7 stars. It usually happens in mid-winter at the end of May or early June. Matariki means "eyes of god or "little eyes". 

Matariki - Caroline

Matariki is the Maori name for a set of 7 stars. Matariki to some people is A mother to 6 daughters referring to the Seven sisters. The stars usually appear in the Eastern sky at around the shortest day of the year. The definition for Matariki is 'Tiny eyes' whiich some people referr to Mata Ariki "Eyes of God'.Today Matariki is important to celebrate to show respect the land which we live on. It also is celbrated for the Maroi New Year.

Matariki - Tupac


Once a year in the winter sky Matariki appears to signal the Maori new year.Matariki is the Māori name for the cluster of stars also known as the Pleiades it rises once a year in the winter.Traditionally Matariki was a time to remember the dead from the last year.

Matariki - Joseph

Matariki is the Māori name for the cluster of stars also known as the Pleiades. It rises just once a year, in mid-winter – late May or early June. For many Māori, it heralds the start of a new year.Matariki literally means the 'eyes of god'.

Matariki - Jaydenzel

Matariki is the Maori name for the group of stars also known as the Pleiades star cluster or The Seven Sisters;  and what is referred to as the traditional Maori New Year.

The Maori new year is marked by the rise of Matariki and the sighting of the next new moon. The pre-dawn rise of Matariki can be seen in the last few days of May every year and the new year is marked at the sighting of the next new moon which occurs during June. This next occurs on 5 June 2008.

Matariki has two meanings, both referring to a tiny constellation of stars; Mata Riki (Tiny Eyes) and Mata Ariki (Eyes of God).

Matariki - Nathaniel

the seven stars of matariki are waiti, waita, waipuna rangi, tupu a nuku, tupu a rangi, ururangi and matariki and they come from the pleiades cluster in the milky way and they are the symbol of the maori new year

Matariki - Sylvia

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Matariki - Mino

Matariki is the name of constellation of the stars that rise once a year. To the Maoris, this symbolizes a new year. To the Australians this constellation is known as the Seven Sisters. 
On the other hand Maoris have a big celebration to symbolize the new year. These festivities mainly include a big feed meaning lots of food + fireworks and being around family. 

Matariki - Sinola

Once a year, just before dawn, Matariki (the Pleiades) signals the Māori New Year. It's  a time for remembering the dead, and celebrating new life.

Matariki - Sosaia


Once a year, twinkling in the winter sky just before dawn, Matariki (the Pleiades) signals the Māori New Year. Traditionally, it was a time for remembering the dead, and celebrating new life. In the 21st century, observing Matariki has become popular again. Heaven-bound kites, hot-air balloons and fireworks help mark the occasion.

Matariki - Havea

Kia Ora, 

Did you know that Matariki is the Maori name for the group of stars also known as Pleiaders star cluster or The Seven Sisters. Also What is referred to as a traditional Maori New Year, when Matariki is for the tamariki-( Children). 

The Maori New Year is marked by the rise of Matariki and the sighting of the next moon! Matariki can be seen rising just before dawn in the last few days of May or the beginning of June every year. Matariki celebrations usually begin on the day of the first new moon following its rising.

I know for a fact that as an Aotearoa Citizen, and this may go for everyone else reading this that, if you live in the lands of Aotearoa, then this year on the date, May 28TH of May 2014, we all should just go along with the tradition and respect the Maori's and their Maori New Year!

No Rei Ra
Tena Kotou
Tena Kotou
Tena Ra Tatou Katoa...

Matariki - Alyson

Matariki - Kayde

Matariki is a Maori event that takes place every year and this is the time for Maori new year and for Maori to grow new plants and crops. It is recognized by the seven sister stars in the sky. This event is usually around late May or early June. 

Matariki - Tynisha

Matariki is the Māori name for the cluster of stars also known as the Pleiades. It rises just once a year, in mid-winter – late May or early June. For many Māori, it heralds the start of a new year. There are seven stars which indicate the celebration of Matariki

Matariki - Jarna

Matariki is the Maori name for the cluster of stars. They rise only once a year, in mid-winter - late My or early June. Did you know that Matariki means the 'eyes of god' and also 'little eyes'. Matariki is celebrated by signing new beginnings, also with education remembrance and the planting of new trees.

Matariki - Ilisapeci

Matariki means a group of stars also known as pleiades the cluster of the seven sisters. This is referred to the traditional Maori new year. This is marked of the sighting of the new moon. The Maori new year is marked of the rising of Matariki. This year Matariki is going to be on28th June 2014 :D:D:D 

Matariki - Aalyzah

Matariki - Chelsea

Matariki is the Maori name for the cluster of stars also known as the Pleiades. It rises just once a year, in mid-winter – late May or early June. For many Māori, it heralds the start of a new year. Matariki literally means the 'eyes of god.’ There are seven stars in Matariki. They are named Waiti, Waita, Waipuna arangi, Tipuanuku, Tipuarangi, Ururangi and Matariki.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Matariki - Siosaia

Matariki is about the seven sisters. Matariki is also the Maori New Year, where they can harvest and grow crops successfully. Traditionally it was a time of remembering the dead, and celebrating the new life.  In the 21st century, observing Matariki has become popular again. Heaven-bound kites, hot-air balloons and fireworks help mark the occasion.

Matariki - Tatiana

Matariki - Angelica

Matariki is celebrated once a year in mid-winter, either late May or early June. Matariki is a cluster of 7 stars or sisters, also known as the Pleiades. It means the 'Eyes Of God' or 'Little Eyes'. It is when Maori's celebrate a new year, new beginning and new journey of life. :-)

Friday, 20 June 2014

The World Cup - Tupac

Ecuador:Ecuador, officially the Republic of Ecuador is a representative and proud democratic republic in northwester South America.The main language is Spanish which 94% of the population speaks.

This is their flag

This is their football uniform


The president of Ecuador is Rafael Correa.

The capital city is Quito.

Ecuador's name comes from the Equator, which divides it unequally, putting most of the country in the Southern Hemisphere.

Map of Ecuador

This is some food from Ecuador

This is a traditional soup made in quito

They are well known for...
Galapagos islands
and their bananas

Here is a link to a video of traditional music of ecuador

here is a traditional dress from Ecuador

Here is some art from Ecuador