
Saturday, 26 July 2014

Maori Language Week - Tupac

He hōnore, he korōria
Maungārongo ki te whenua
 pai e
Kingā tangata katoa
Ake ake, ake ake
Te Atua, te piringa,
Toku oranga

Maori Language Week - Ilisapeci

E Ihowa Atua
O ngā iwi mātou rā,
āta whakarongo na;
Me aroha noa.
Kia hua ko te pai;
Kia tau tō atawhai;
Manaakitia mai

God of nations at thy feet
in the bonds of love we meet.
Hear our voices, we entreat,
God defend our free land.
Guard Pacific’s triple star
From the shafts of strife and war,
Make her praises heard afar,
God defend New Zealand.

Maori Language Week - Cruz

Matariki - Is the Maori New Year. It originated from a story about Tane-Mahuta (God of Forest) and his Tawhirimatea, They each wanted to decorate their sky father (Ranginui). Tawhirimatea had the idea of putting stars and the moon  and the son into the Sky to decorate their dad. Matariki was recently and still is being celebrated today. 

Friday, 25 July 2014

Maori Language Week - Havea

Kia Ora,

This is my whaka-papa,

(Maori Version)
Ko Havea toku ingoa
Ko Paniani toku ingoa whanau
Ko tekau ma wha oku tau
No Tonga ahau
Ko Kanokupolu te iwi
Kei Glen Innes toku kainga noho
Ko tamaki te awa
Ko Maungare

Maori Language Week - Hainite

How to count to 10 in maori:

One = Tahi
Two = Rua
Three = Toru
Four = Wha
Five = Rima
Six = Ono
Seven = Whitu
Eight = Wharu
Nine = Iwa
Ten = Tekau 

Maori Language Week - Tatiana

Nga Ra:
​Rahina : Monday
Ratu : Tuesday
Raapa : Wednesday
Rapare : Thursday
Ramere : Friday
Rahoroi : Saturday
Ratapu : Sunday

Maori Language Week - Caroline

I have just shown you the English and Maori translation of how to say your name and what school we attend. 

English translation.
Hello my name is (name) and I am attending Tamaki College. 

Maori Translation. 
kia ora ko (ingoa) i toku ingoa, me ahau haere i Tamaki College.
Maori language week. 

Maori Language Week - Jarna

Kua kai anō koe?
Have you had something to eat?
He aha māu?
What would you like?
He wai ārani māku.
I would like an orange juice.
He wai reka māku.
I would like a soft drink.
He wai noa iho māku.
Just water for me.
Ka rawe te kōrero Māori.
Gee speaking Maori is good fun.
Ka rawe.
Choice, awesome.
Ehara mai!
Ka mau te wehi!

Maori Language Week - Kayde

A Whakapaapa is tikanga to Maori as it symbolizes where we're from.



Ko Ngongotaha raua ko Papatu te maunga
Ko Utuhina raua ko Te Arai te awa
Ko Turanga-nui-a-kiwa te moana
Ko Te Arawa raua ko Rongowhakaata te iwi
Ko Tonuhopu raua ko Ohako te marae
Ko Te Arawa raua ko Mataatua te waka
Ko Ngati Wahakaue raua ko Ruapani te hapu
Ko Tama-te-Kapua raua ko Rongowhakaata te tangata

Ko Janelle Toku Whaea
Ko Victor Toku Matua
Ko Shyarn te Mataamua o te whanau
Ko Gabriel te potiki o te whanau
Ko Kayde ahau

Maori Language Week - Jaydenzel

Ko Jaydenzel toku ahau.
     Ko Lilly toku mama.
     Ko Tino toku papa.
     Ko Mt Wellington toku maunga.
Ko Samoa/Niue toku iwi.

Maori Language Week - Sosaia

What is a powhiri?

A powhiri is an event , usually to welcome manuhiri (guest) to a gathering or meeting.

The wero is laid down or challenge by a male to welcome the guest

Then there is a whai korero by an elderly male

Then the guest usually perform a song or haka 

Then they go around and do hongi's 

And finally there is usually a feast

And that is a powhiri

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Maori Language Week - Nathaniel

Haere mai (welcome)
He roa te wā kua kitea (long time no see)
Pō mārie (good night)
Kia waimarie (good luck)
Kia pai tō rā (have a nice day)

Maori Language Week - Tynisha

Maori phrases

Good morning-
ata marie/morena

po marie

kia waimarie

e noho ra (said by person leaving)
e haere ra ( said by person leaving)

ka pai to ra- 
have a nice day ;'D

Maori Language Week - Angelica

Ko Eniselika te pai 
Angelica is the best. 

Kotahi te aronga aroha Eniselika

One Direction love Angelica.

Ka moea e tetahi aronga kei te ki te Eniselika

Maori Language Week - Mino

Here are a few facts about the Maori people of Aotearoa. 

1. The Maori are known as the Indigenous people of New Zealand. 
2.  There are ancient Maori traditions,values and monuments that still exist today.
3. Ta Moko is a tattoo used to connect people with their past. 
4. Maori were here before the Europeans.
5. There are a number of iwi across New Zealand, for example The Nga Puhi.

Maori Language Week - Sinola

  • Here is a Waiata (song) 
    Tēnā koutou, e hoa mā             Greetings, oh friends      
    Kua tae mai nei i tēnei rā          Arrived here this day  
    Nö reira rā, e hoa mā                Therefore, oh friends,
    Kia ora rā, koutou katoa            Good health, to you all
    Kua rongo hoki ahau                  I had heard of course 
    Kua rongo hoki ahau                  I had heard of course 
    Kua rongo hoki ahau                  I had heard of course 
    Kei te haere mai koutou            That you were all coming 
    Nö reira rā, e hoa mā                 Therefore, oh friends,
    Kia ora rā, koutou katoa             Good health, to you all

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Maori Language Week - Aaalyzah

Maori language week is from the 21st of July to the 27th of July. 
Haere Mai : Welcome
Hui : Meeting
Taniwha : Monster
Kia Ora : Hello
Whare Paku : Toilet
Waiata : Song
Reo : Maori Language
Hikoi : Journey.

Maori Language Week - Athena

Ko Atheena toku ingoa
Ko Ioapo toku papa
Ko Rayleen toku whaea
Ko Lote toku kuia
Ko Taelenga toku koro

Maori Language Week - Siosaia

Whaikorero (A speech that a elder male says at a gathering like a powhiri or tangi) Like how matua wally always stands up and talks in maori at the powhiri every year

Waimarie Pai - Good Luck

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Maori Language Week - Alyson

Maori Language Week - Joseph

Kia ora toku ingoa ko Hohepa

This can be translated directly in Gmail :-

Maori Language Week - Chelsea

Maori Language Week, te wiki o te reo Maori, is a government-sponsored initiative intended to encourage New Zealanders to promote the use of Maori language. Here are a few basic Maori words.

Kia ora - Hello
Haere mai - Welcome
Waiata- Song
Ka kite - Good bye
Tamariki - Children
Peahea koe - How are you?