
Thursday 20 June 2013

Respect - Havea

What respect means to me is just a kind manner of treating my fellow people nicely so that they may treat me nicely in return. What respect means at school is nothing because we have people forcing other students to do things they really wouldn't want to do, e.g. smoking or fighting. Respect at home is improving and why is because at home my family and I had just recently joined a family help group and we're starting to get better and better with each other. At first we were just swearing at complaining to our mum but now, we're totally different and how is because we're all communicating positively and taking responsibilities in what we should do. Respect at my church is very very high because as a Mormon, it's one of the commandments that we should obey, in-order to go to heaven! Outside all of the places,(church, home & school), respect is average but sometime soon, we'll all get along with each other, and that's what respect means to me!

1 comment:

  1. I like the sound of this Havea - this was the message gave when he spoke to our Manaiakalani kids. "Always respect your Mum...."
