
Thursday 13 June 2013

Star Dome - Chelsea

It was an extremely amazing day for all year nine students to learn about the solar system and how it works. Each class travelled by bus to Stardome where we observed meteors and learnt about the planets and matariki.

As we walked in, we safely locked our bags into a cage. Walking into a room where the displayed graphics were going to be shown, I felt as if I was already up in space. Time flew, your imagination ran wild and so much information was going into your head. The day had just began.

After being in this mind blowing room, we all explored the different things out in space and fun facts like how much you would way on the moon. We then had a lesson on matariki and how far these seven stars were from planet earth.

It was time for our break. Everyone was outside enjoying the refreshing air. We swung on the swings, rid the flying fox and just sat down relaxing in the cozy sunshine. We were all exhausted, but on the other hand, we were about to walk up One Tree Hill. As our distance got shorter and shorter to reach the top, we started running. I was relieved to reach the top but now, it was coming down. This part of our trip was MUCH easier.

We had a little rest and then it was time to head back to school. I had an amazing day and learnt so many things along the way. 

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